1. Support Center
  2. Battery Support
  3. Advanced Lithium Battery Support (100& 300Ah)

Advanced Lithium Battery - Communication Cable Guideline

There are three types of cable connections:

Cable 1 - Battery to RV-C Network Connection

Cable 1 is used to connect the battery to the main RV-C network, our GP-Display or Firefly/Main RV-C network. If you are only using batteries, this cable is not needed.

*This cable has a 120 Ohm terminating resistor.

Cable 2 - Battery to Battery Connecting Harness

Cable 2 is used to communication RV-C between each battery, the total number of Cable 2's is calculated using the following:
1 - Number of Batteries used = Number of Cable 2's needed.

Cable 3 - Terminating Resistor

Cable 3 is used to "terminate" the RV-C network to allow proper communication. There should be one on the first and last battery (a total of TWO). If Cable 1 is used to allow batteries to talk to our GP-Display or external RV-C network, only 1x Terminating Resistor (Cable 3) is needed.

*This cable only has a 120 Ohm terminating resistor.

Battery Cable Port

This is where the cables will plug into. It generally doesn't matter which port is used when plugging in the cables if they follow the cable guidelines.

Connection Summary

The terminating resistor (Cable 3) should be used on each end of the first and last connected battery if they are ONLY communicating to each other. There should be a total of 2. If you are connecting it to our GP-Display or external network, you only need a total of 1 "Cable 3."

All batteries are connected to each other using Cable 2 (Battery to Battery). The total number of Cable 2's should be 1 less than the total number of batteries. Example, 8 connected batteries, there should be "8-1=7" seven Cable 2's.

Cable 1 is used only when you are connecting the battery to a RV-C network or our GP-Display. There should be a total of 1x Cable 1 used with 1x Cable 3 (Terminating Resistor) on the other end of connected batteries.

Additional Notes

  • It does not matter which Battery Communication port (RV-C 1-2) you place Cable 2 (Battery to Battery) into, if they connect to two batteries together, they will be communicating on the terminated RV-C bus.
  • It is recommended the Batteries much all be powered off before connecting the cables upon initial setup, then by powering any one of the connected batteries, it will turn on all of them. You then may proceed to configurating the batteries using the Go Power! App or our PowerTrak™ display for Series/Parallel communication.
  • Technically, you may use one "Terminating Resistor" and the communication could work but there is instability due to signal reflections which may cause higher error rates and unstable network behavior. Hence 2x" Cable 3"s needed for 1+ battery ONLY communication vs 1x" Cable 3" + 1x" Cable 1" for Battery to RV-C Network communication, both setups provide 2x Terminating Resistors to provide reliable communication.