1. Support Center
  2. Charge Controller Support

GP-RVC-R - Parallel Controller Status

Device Status Screens

The information below outlines how to navigate the status screens of the RVC Remote in a system with multiple GP-RVC-30-MPPT controllers connected to the same battery bank in parallel. These instructions are intended to assist with using the remote prior a pending update to the manual that will include this information.

1. Main Screen
The Main Screen is the default state of the RVC Remote. The image below shows the Main Screen layout with multiple GP-RVC-30- MPPT controllers connected

2. Device Status Screens

Step 1
From the Main Screen, short press the [ENTER] button to go to the Device Status interface.

Note: Information in these screens relates to all controllers connected to the system 

Step 2
Short press [DOWN] to go to Device Status screen 2.

Step 3
Short press [DOWN] to go to Device Status screen 3.

Step 4
Short press [DOWN] to highlight each Controller Status link (eg. [Controller1 Status]).

Step 5
Short press [ENTER] to go to the selected Controller Status screen 1.

Note: Any additional controllers connected will appear below Controller2 Status.

Controller Status Screens

Note: Information in these screens relates only to the one controller selected. Controller 1 is used for example, but any other controller connected will have the same screens available

Step 1
Short press [DOWN] to go to Controller Status screen 2.

Step 2
Short press [DOWN] to go to Controller Status screen 3

Step 3
Short press [DOWN] to go to Controller Status screen 4.

Step 4
Short press [BACK] to return to Device Status screens
Short press [BACK] again to return to Main screen