IC Series Inverter Charger: Error Codes

List of Error Codes 

Below are two tables that identify inverter error codes, and how to remedy them. 
Remote Error Codes
PTOC (Over current protection) Pulling to much current from inverter Turn off loads, unplug from shore power, power cycle the inverter.  Turn inverter back on and re-apply shore power
OTP (Over Temperature Protection) Inverter or batteries are to hot Check battery connections.   Is battery to hot?  Remove temp sensor
UTP (under temperature Protection) Inverter or batteries are to cold Warm batteries up in some way
UVP (Under voltage protection) Battery voltage is below Low voltage
disconnect point on the inverter
Recharge batteries above LVD set on inverter. Then turn inverter on and re-apply shore power
OOCP (Over current protection) Second over current message Turn off loads, unplug from shore power, power cycle the inverter.  Turn inverter back on and re-apply shore power
OVP (Over voltage protection) Battery volatge is to high Unplug shore power power cycle the inverter. Run inverter without shore power to drop battery voltage.  Check charge settings on all sources
Poff (NO ac power) NO AC input power Check breakers and AC getting to inverter
OLP Over Load protection Loads to high for inverter output Turn off loads, unplug from shore power, power cycle the inverter.  Turn inverter back on and re-apply shore power.  Turn loads on one by one eliminating load causing the issue



Error Beeps From Inverter
Beeping counts Protection signal
1 beep UTP (Under Temp Protection)
2 beep OTP (Over Temp Protection)
3 beep OVP
4 beep UVP
5 beep Short-circuit or OLP