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  2. Charge Controller Support

PWM-30-UL Error Codes

Common Solar Controller Troubleshooting

The solar controller requires power from the battery in order for it to operate (9-14 volts). The first step in troubleshooting any solar controller is to determine if you have 12 volts to the controller. This is done by measuring the input from the battery on the back of the controller. If the battery voltage is below 9 volts it will not power the controller. Check the inline fuse between the battery and the controller and your battery and terminal block connections on the controller.

If the controller is in an error state first try a soft reset. This is done by holding down all 4 buttons on the front of the controller for 15 seconds. If this does not work a hard reset is required. Remove all 4 wires from the back of the controller for 15-20 minutes, then reconnect the wires. Battery first then solar panel. Determine if this clears the error state.

Moon Symbol

If there is a moon symbol appearing on the controller then the controller is not seeing voltage coming from the solar panels. The first step here is to remove the wires on the back of the controller coming from the solar panel. Use a multimeter to measure across the two leads. In sunlight, you should see between 20-18 volts. (this number may be lower on cloudy days). If you do not see this voltage at this point the next step would be to check your panels and work your way back down to the controller with the multi-meter.

Put the meter across the leads of each panel. The voltage should be very similar (20-18 volts based on the type of day). If one panel is lower than the others then there is an issue with the panel. If all are the same then trace the wires back to the controller with the meter and determine if there is a connection issue.

3 Dashes on the LCD screen (this is a bug)


Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Perform a hard reset on the device. Disconnect all four wires from the back of the device and let sit for 15
minutes - reconnect all four wires and recheck

2. Replace the controller


Controller does not charge batteries/Controller shows "0.0" amps charging


Troubleshooting steps:

1. Ensure batteries are not full, charging amps will drop to near zero if batteries are full (meter the batteries, don't trust the display from the controller)

2. Ensure the solar panel is clean and in direct sunlight. An obstructed/dirty panel will yield poor results

3. Check input voltage at the controller from the solar panel (~18V based on solar panel rating)

4. Check wiring from solar panel to batteries

5. Check for any fuse in-line in the system

6. Perform a hard reset on the device. Disconnect all four wires from the back of the device and let sit for 15
minutes - reconnect all four wires and recheck

7. Replace the controller

Controller is Flashing

This behavior is usually the controller dealing with a very high C or voltage rate (Above 15.5 volts). Even though the controller can handle up to 30A if the battery capacity is too small for the panel input current. The voltage shoots up too high, too quickly, tripping the high voltage flashing.

If the problem was “fixed”, then it was because the user started using loads that divert some of the input currents, because the panels became dusty or shaded, or because there was less sunlight.

Ideally, the user should increase their battery bank capacity.

The other possibility is an unregulated converter in the system that is putting current to the batteries at the same time. The solution here is to unplug shore power and reset the controller. The controller can be reset in two ways:

First, try a soft reset. This is done by holding down all 4 buttons on the front of the controller for 15 seconds. If this does not work or you do not have a 4-button controller a hard reset is required.Remove all 4 wires from the back of the controller for 15-20 minutes, then reconnect the wires.
Determine if this clears the error state.