Identifying and Resolving Errors Caused by Improper Sizing and Battery Issues
If the solar system is not sized correctly the controller will also put itself into an error state. A general rule of thumb is 100-amp hours of batteries for every 190 watt solar panel. If the battery bank is too small for the number of panels on the roof the controller will put itself into the same error state. To determine if this is the case try covering one or two panels and see if the flashing stops.
Lithium batteries have their own battery management system in each battery. If the battery does not like what it is seeing form the solar panel the charge switch on the battery may open up. This would then not allow the controller to put current to the battery thus the battery voltage would go up for a short period of time causing an over voltage error on the controller.
Resetting the BMS may involve ether disconnecting the wires from the battery for an hour or so or adding an alternate charge to the battery bank. Something like a battery charger or an alternator from a vehicle to reset the BMS on the battery.