WARRANTY LENGTH Go Power! electronic products are non-repairable, Go Power! does not perform repairs on its products nor does it contract out those repairs to a third party. Go Power! does not supply schematics or replacement parts for any of its electronic products. This Go Power! warranty is valid against de…
WARRANTY RETURN PROCEDURE FOR THE BATTERY MONITOR Before contacting Go Power!’s customer service department, please read the “frequently asked questions” section of our website to troubleshoot the problem. If trouble persists: 1. Call your Go Power!™ Technical Support team (1-866-247-6527) or 2. Return defecti…
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Before doing anything, disconnect all wires from the negative side of the battery. 2. Cut the negative cable for the battery and crimp on new ring terminals. Alternatively, use a new wire of appropriate gauge to carry the full current demand of the system. 3. Connect the shunt as shown in the wir…
HOW TO MOUNT THE SHUNT The shunt comes with a mounting bracket that should be secured using screws to ensure the shunt does not move.
DEFINITIONS: Preset Capacity - The remaining available capacity of the battery in Ampere-hours. Charge-Discharge Indicator - If the arrows are pointing upward the battery is charging, downward the battery is discharging. Capacity Percentage - The remaining available capacity of the battery as a percentage. Rema…